


Troop 149 History


Dating back to 1943, Troop 149 has been creating mature men and many Eagle Scouts. So many, that we have had 86 young men finish the Scouting program and achieve the prestigious rank of Eagle. Annually, we strive to attend at least 10 regular camp outs. Every year since 1997, we have been going to Camp Royaneh over the summer as well as going to one camp of our Scouts choice. Some examples of camps we have gone to in the past years are Camp Oljato, Emerald Bay, Chawanakee and Philmont Scout Ranch, just to name a few. Our Troop is based out of Redwood City, California at the Elks Lodge and we meet three out of four Monday nights per month.


See from our past Scoutmasters of what they liked about leading the Troop!

Jeff Gray: 2011-2015


What was the best thing about the weekly meetings? I spent a considerable amount of my time in meetings involved with Scoutmaster Conferences. Nearly anything in life that is worthwhile comes with its challenges, and Scoutmaster Conferences definitely could be challenging at time, however, they were alway extremely worthwhile!


What do you think was your most effective Scoutmaster Minute? Picking a favorite Scoutmaster Minute would be akin to picking your favorite child. In my four years, I performed over 100 of them, many of which were well longer than a "minute" . One of my favorites was called "The Jar" which I "borrowed" from an internet site. Basically, I filled a large jar with ping pong balls, and asked the troop if they felt I could get anything else into the jar, of course they answered: no. Then I added several handfuls of ball bearings until the jar was filled, asked the same question, and got the same response. Lastly, I added several handfuls of sand to the jar until it was filled, finally making the comment, that often our lives seem like we can't add anything else to our day, however, we should always make time for what is important, and there is always a little more room in the jar!


What was your favorite camp you attended as a Scoutmaster? My last summer camp was very important to me, personally. Although it is not well known, I have a pretty severe phobia of open water, thus for the previous summer camps, I was unable to complete the qualifying swim. After three years of not making it, I told myself that I would finally achieve my goal of fully qualifying for the water aspects of summer camp. To do this, I built my swimming confidence, and proficiency, swimming three days a week at a local pool. At my last summer camp, I was able to successfully complete the swimming challenge at Catalina Island. Sometimes, life provides great challenges and opportunities and regardless if you are in your teens or in your 50’s, you have to meet this challenges head on, come up with a reasonable plan to achieve your goals, work hard, and hopefully you will surpass some of your greatest fears.




Matthew Bennett: 2010-2011


What made you want to become a Scoutmaster? I was one back in Utah, but when I got a job here in California I attended a Round Table asking what I can do to help out in the local Scouting Community. Even though I still lived in Utah and worked in California, I did what I could do for the Troop while I was in the Bay Area for work during the week. It was a great relief to have Jeff Gray, my successor, to attend Troop outings on the weekend.


What was your favorite Scoutmaster Minute? The one  I described how I ride past a bunch of fishing piers every morning on my way to work. When the tide is out I can see that the bay has eaten away at the wooden supports so that they are not safe to walk on. However at high tide, they look like a great place to go fishing. I would never trust them. One thing I could not include in the minute that I can now is that most of the piers have fallen into the Bay after a few years.


What was your favorite activity done during a meeting? That would have to be any cooking event. One in particular is when we had dutch oven cooking. Everyone likes to eat and the food tasted great.




John Wise: 2007-2009


What was your favorite activity done during a meeting? Knot tying and first aid were probably my favorite meetings.


What was your favorite summer camp? Camp Mensinger was my favorite camp because I felt most connected to the outdoors than most other camps we went to.


What made you become a Scoutmaster and your best Scoutmaster Minute? I wanted to be a rolemodel to all the Scouts who were in my Troop and help as many as possible to have a better life. Best Scoutmaster Minute was to be positive in all you do in life and to learn from everything.



Congratulation to EAGLE SCOUT James Weaver!

Posted on Jun 18 2024 - 9:42am

Monday night, June 17, 2024, James Weaver became an Eagle Scout!
James has been a very active member of Troop 149 logging in 75 camping nights, including those at Camp Royaneh (3 times), Camp "Not Winton," Camp Chawanakee, NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training), and Philmont Scout Ranch.

Congratulations to our 117th Eagle Scout - JACK PINK

Posted on Apr 29 2024 - 10:16pm

I am extremely pleased to announce that tonight Jack Pink has become an Eagle Scout! Jack responded to the Eagle Board's questions with confidence, sincerity and a bit of humor.


Posted on Feb 29 2024 - 3:15pm

Please join me in congratulating our 116th Eagle Scout, Michael Albanese! Michael attained the rank of Eagle Scout on Thursday, February 8, 2024. The outdoors was clearly a draw for Michael as he logged in many cycling and hiking miles, attended Camp Royaneh six times, Camp "Not-Winton," Camp Chawanakee, National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), in addition to eleven weekend camping trips.


Posted on Feb 4 2024 - 10:25pm

Collin Barton became Troop 149's 115th Eagle Scout on Wednesday, January 24th! Collin has been an active member of Troop 149 since April 2017 and is proof that you can be very involved in sports and still attain the rank of Eagle Scout. Collin must love Camp Royaneh as he attended 5 times and Camp Chawanakee once. In addition to his Eagle Scout project which benefited St. Pius Church, Collin worked at 14 other service projects putting in 51.5 hours. Please join me in congratulating Collin for joining the esteemed members of Troop 149 Eagles!

Troop 149, You are as Good as Gold!!! Congrats on another Gold ranking for Journey to Excellence 2023!

Posted on Jan 25 2024 - 12:58pm

For those that missed the troop and parent meetings last Monday, it was announced that Troop 149 once again attained Gold level ranking in Journey to Excellence for 2023! This is the eleventh year in a row that we have maintained Gold status which shows what an outstanding team of Scouts, Scout Adult Leaders, and Committee Members that we have!

Congrats to our Newest Eagle Scout- Michael Sarboraria!!

Posted on Oct 14 2023 - 12:55pm

It is with immense pleasure that I announce that tonight Michael Sarboraria has become an Eagle Scout! Michael responded to the Eagle Board's questions with confidence, thoroughness, and honesty.



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